it's time we opened a new window.​

(potential project)​

​ This proposal is an interactive installation designed for a generic office campus, engaging employees who perform abstract, screen-based work. The project invites participants to mimic computational processes by manually rendering a well-known photograph (popularized by Windows XP) through a collaborative paint-by-numbers activity, reversing the digital simulation of manual processes.

​ The installation features an oversized PC monitor, inside which materials (paints, tools, protective gear) are stored, and a canvas printed with numbered instructions. Over five days, participants collectively complete the painting, following the provided guide. Adjacent displays include an invitation, project rationale, and guestbook for reflections.

​ Once the painting is finished, the installation, titled It’s time we opened a new window, transforms into a space for socializing or photo-documentation, with stairs added to allow visitors to sit or symbolically climb toward the illustrated landscape. The monitor will be constructed and dismantled on-site, with flexibility for extended exhibition if needed.