axis mundi.

Coordinated by Mihai Vereștiuc & Simion Cristea; Filmed by George Păvăloaia.


The "Axis Mundi" series explored, through the appropriation of the established image of sculpture, the distances between the contemporary author and art history. By replacing the classic, accessible, and immediate subject (the subject that is unmediated, physically present during the production process) with the subject of representation itself, in a post-structuralist spirit, accidents, losses in translation/transference/reproduction were incorporated to highlight the distance between the established sculptural representation and the contemporary audience.

Thus, a counterfeit personal museum collection was exhibited, in which impressionist, Roman, Gothic, and other aesthetics can be recognized, in homage to the theories of Walter Benja​​min. Using both the grammar of classical sculpture and that of recent sculpture, questions were raised regarding originality, the oversaturation of images, archiving/conservation, and, not least, representation in sculptural art. The technical production process, the seemingly arbitrary choices of reference sources, and the materiality of the "Axis Mundi" collection sought to contribute to the support of the aforementioned ideas.

(personal text)