This project explores the intersection of digital object production and its automation, focusing on the transformative role of 3D modeling and printing technologies.
This artistic research project delves into the condition of the digital object and its production, highlighting how coded information forms the basis for material replicas created using technologies like 3D printing. The resulting objects can be duplicated and digitally transported almost instantaneously, across multiple mediums. The project also addresses the legal and conceptual implications of delegating artistic production, emphasizing the relationship between copyright, technological mediators, and new forms of art display in both physical and digital spaces.
You can view the object in your own surroundings by scanning the QR code.
This work was also contextualized for a DOCTART (Information resource center of the doctoral schools within UNAGE Iași) presentation/exhibition, curated by Lavinia German.
By putting the digital file on the USB stick in a public space anybody could've download it, be it for the sake of it or for 3D printing his own copy, contribuiting to the nomadic quality of virtual sculptures.
Additionally, by requiring a digital interface to view the 3D sculpture and the image where I digitally incorporated it into that specific public space, the work can be considered an invisible public monument.
Nonetheless, this work was present in four places in the same time.